Hi! I’m Back!

Hi there!

I am back after stepping away from blog writing after four years. I started this blog originally as a class project for one of my writing classes junior year of college. After the class ended, I stopped writing on this blog. I’m sorry for that.

In the four years since my last blog post, I lived my life. I got my heart broken. I graduated college (got that BA in English). I went back to my crappy retail job, then quit that job for my first ever full time job. Then left that job due to a toxic work environment, and went back to the crappy retail job. Then I found a nice full time job and finally quit the crappy retail job. Then I lost that nice full time job during the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, I’m here. 10 months into quarantine and I finally found the strength to pull through the heavy fog that is my depression and anxiety to sit down and write again.

Mental health is number one priority.”

So, here I am. It’s almost 2 in the morning and I’m up writing again. It’s actually weird to go back and read my previous posts. It’s interesting to see how much I’ve grown from 21 to 25. I went through so much during those in between years that fully shaped me to the person I am today.

If I could go back to that 21 year old girl, I wouldn’t warn her. She finds out all the fucked up shit later in life. I’ve learned so much about myself from my mistakes, it’s not even funny. I’ve made so many mistakes in my early-mid twenties. I know she’ll kick ass and fall on her ass and get back up. It just takes time. I would probably tell her that mental health is number one priority. I didn’t make mine a priority until senior year of college.

Well, I finally can’t sit still and be quiet anymore. I itch to type on the keyboard again. Get my thoughts out there that’s not on my Facebook or Twitter feed. These past four years taught me that I’m sick and tired of being silent. I have a loud voice and I can’t wait to get all my thoughts out.

Just you wait.

I’m back and so ready.

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I Am “Most Girls”


I heard some of my favorite bands and artists came out with new music. So, I did what I usually do: went on Spotify, searched Hailee Steinfeld and Fall Out Boy, and found out they came out with new music. Since I am shamelessly obsessed with Hailee Steinfeld since she came out with “Love Myself” on the radio, I looked her up first and came across her new single “Most Girls.”

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My Reaction and Feelings towards “13 Reasons Why”


Many of people know about the new series that Netflix came out with a couple weeks ago, 13 Reasons Why. This show addresses heavy topics such as rape, bullying at schools, severe depression, and suicide when seventeen year old Hannah Baker leaves behind 13 tapes telling the story of her life and why she ended it to the people that caused her to end her life. Coming from someone who does not have severe depression but know people who lived similarly to Hannah, I had a lot of emotions and thoughts after I watched the show.

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